Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ok well I went to the doc on Tuesday. I am dialated and he said the baby is at 8lbs. Hopefully soon baby will be here. I got most everything ready that I think I may need. Havn't got any diapers since our last baby started off in size 1's. We have been slowly getting ready for the kids to go back to school. I,m ready for the break too.
We did get most of that tree cleaned up from our backyard. So things are falling together for now.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

catchin ya up!

Well latly time has flown by. Soon the baby will be here and the house will be rockin with 5kids 3 and soon to be 4 dogs. People are gonna think it's a zoo. The boys are ready for school to be back in. For right now they love school. Felecity was hoping to go but was out on a waiting list. I shouldn't have much to worry about though since she is so smart. Aurora is as mean as ever and walking but not a pro yet. She has got more teeth and eats a ton.
we now have half a tree to cut up in our backyard and the other half will be coming down soon before it falls on the house. We got Lucky that the tree fell the other way then the house when we had a bad storm Monday night. Other people were not as lucky as they had more damage.
I did manage to get my hair colored again did it with hubby's help of course. What more can I ask for? He treats me well. Well that's all I can think of for now!

Friday, July 18, 2008

times fly's when your having fun!

Not that I have really had too much fun ,but not too bad. Things have been good for the most part. The fourth was great! We went to hubby's boss's house like we have for several years now. Lots of fun like always and the kids always love going and eating a ton.
Felecity had her dance at the park but didn't do anything but tap her foot the whole time. She did dance at her recital a week later. I was so proud! She looked so grown up! It brought back so many memories of when I danced when I was younger.
We are still sort of looking for a bigger house. I'm pretty sure the one we tried to get and was hoping was still forsale later is now sold! So that kinda of sucks! I guess there is prolly a reason for it. But it still makes me sad. There should be other houses too with the market the way it is I'm sure we will find something.
The baby's arrivall is getting closer. Yeah I'm not prepared at all. Still no baby bed. Havn't even got the newborn clothes back out yet. Have no newborn diapers yet. No backs packed but I'm sure the hubby can get that if need be. He should be a pro at what I need for my stay by now! I think the baby maybe here a little sooner than expected too. I could be wrong but I feel like it's close. I just hope she comes when she's good and ready and not too early. We want her to be healthy.
I'll try to post àgain soon so these don't get to long and boring. Ü have just been so busy.

times fly's when your having fun!

Not that I have really had too much fun ,but not too bad. Things have been good for the most part. The fourth was great! We went to hubby's boss's house like we have for several years now. Lots of fun like always and the kids always love going and eating a ton.
Felecity had her dance at the park but didn't do anything but tap her foot the whole time. She did dance at her recital a week later. I was so proud! She looked so grown up! It brought back so many memories of when I danced when I was younger.
We are still sort of looking for a bigger house. I'm pretty sure the one we tried to get and was hoping was still forsale later is now sold! So that kinda of sucks! I guess there is prolly a reason for it. But it still makes me sad. There should be other houses too with the market the way it is I'm sure we will find something.
The baby's arrivall is getting closer. Yeah I'm not prepared at all. Still no baby bed. Havn't even got the newborn clothes back out yet. Have no newborn diapers yet. No backs packed but I'm sure the hubby can get that if need be. He should be a pro at what I need for my stay by now! I think the baby maybe here a little sooner than expected too. I could be wrong but I feel like it's close. I just hope she comes when she's good and ready and not too early. We want her to be healthy.
I'll try to post àgain soon so these don't get to long and boring. Ü have just been so busy.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Lately we have had a lot of things coming up missing in our neighborhood not to mention the stupid people that stole our dog a while back! Today the kids went outside to go ride bikes with the neighbor boy and Chandler comes in to tell me he can't find his bike. I figured he needed to look a little Better. So I waited a while to see if he could find it and sure enough it was stolen. Well we went for a walk to the park and the kids played for a while then we walked over and got the kids some food at the fish fry they were having. We then went home and a little while later I was outside and thought I heard our little dog that thinks she owns the neighborhood yelp like someone hit her or something. So I looked around and didn't see her so sent Chandler to look behind the house. Well she happened to be inside but needless to say Chandler came running back telling me he seen his bike! Well I looked and sure enough it was his. Then the boy rode it right in front of our house! I confronted him and told him let's go talk to his parents and then we chased him (we'll sort of just walked but caught up to him) well needless to say his dad said he bought it from some guy for $20. Ok I think not but I got it back with little Said! It just happened to be at the gedo behind our house! Well that's what we call it but they are really dirty appart and they are up all night fighting. Thank god we got a privacy fence that we don't have to see that everyday.
The other things stolen in the neighborhood recently is car sterio's on each side of us. Nothing stolen out of our çars but who knows I might not really be missing it if they did. We have had people fighting and riding bikes through our yard in the middle of the night it's just getting to be worse and worse everyday! In the two years we have been here we have never had this much go on around us.
The kids are doing good getting in lots of trouble! Felecity performs at the park on Thursday for our 4th of July celebration that they do every year. She is excited about that. PRESTON'S birthday is on Friday so he will be turning 6yrs old! Wow! Time sure flys!
We did get the fence up and the dogs love haveing the room as do I. Since they get all the rough play done outside now and don't destroy my house now,but the kids have been making up for that! Well enough said until next time!