Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Whoa! Momma!

OK it's been a while I admit it!
Things have been so busy lately my head is spinning. We have three birthdays coming up within days of each other and I am not even ready! I need to have a yard sell to get ride of the crap I have accumulated the past couple years that I no longer use.
Easter went OK for the most part, besides Chandler busting his lip open and gushing blood all over his outfit! They all looked great and had so much fun!I couldn't get aurora in but one picture and that one didn't turn out so well!
Aurora was so cute to watch as she would find her eggs. We went to a hunt one day and she was so pissed when she would go after one another little kids would grab it up. You just had to be there. Felecity only got 3 eggs at that hunt but wouldn't show us her eggs till later. We later found out she had a winning egg and won a wagon! She was so excited but didn't want her brothers to play with it cuz they will get it dirty and make it rust. She's very opinionated just like her momma!
It's mushroom season again and we have went a couple of times. The kids love it and to tell ya the truth I wouldn't find many if Preston wasn't with me. They go up and down those hills like monkeys! Aurora cracks me up when we help her pick one. She gets this funny smile and laughs so evil! We have found a few. I didn't go last night since I decided to fall down the stairs on my butt with baby in my arms. She is OK! I made sure it was me who got all the damage! My butt is prolly gonna be bruised good and so is my arm where I attempted to grab the rail to catch myself! But on the bright side of things they brought me home a bag of mushrooms!



1 comment:

chelsey said...

haha i have got to see aurora pick a mushroom lol its sounds so funny little stinker i still cant beleive u fell down those stairs i go so slow on them when im on them, they feel like they go straight up and down but neways talk to u in a bit peace
